Viral Infections
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccine, Adjuvanted (Arexvy)
Arexvy can be administered to prevent lower respiratory tract disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus in patients age 60 years and older.
Infectious Disease Alert Updates
Immunocompromised Patients with Persistent COVID-19; Endemic Mycoses Are No Longer ‘-Demic’
RSV Vaccine for Older Patients Receives Support
FDA approved Arexvy to protect people age 60 years and older against the respiratory syncytial virus.
CDC: Be Wary of Travelers From African Outbreaks
Marburg virus has caused outbreaks in two African nations, and healthcare workers should be aware of travel history for incoming patients with classic hemorrhagic fever symptoms.
Researchers Use Advanced Technology to Detect MIS-C
Scientists want to improve diagnostic techniques for multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, which became a confounding problem during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Viral Exposure and the Risk of Developing Neurodegenerative Disease
In two national European biobanks, researchers identified and replicated 22 pairs of viral exposures associated with a higher risk of neurodegenerative diseases.
Infectious Disease Alert Updates
Occupational Mpox in Healthcare Workers; Homeless People at Risk for Mpox; PRIORIX Is Interchangeable with MMRII
Challenges in Diagnosing MIS-C
Even though there are clear diagnostic criteria for multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), the initial diagnosis is not always certain, and there can be overlapping concurrent bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections that also require prompt treatment.
Doxycycline Demonstrates Protection Against Sexually Transmitted Infections
Common antibiotic could be a key tool to help stem the rising tide of reported cases.
COVID Transmission During Air Travel
Despite careful air filtration in flying aircraft, there remains some risk of disease transmission during travel.