Viral Infections
Regulators Sign Off on COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Mix and Match’
Federal agencies expand, clarify guidance on booster shots.
Adjuvanted Zoster Vaccine: Persistent Protection
The adjuvanted recombinant zoster vaccine efficacy is high and persistent, with apparent plateauing at > 84% four to six years after vaccination.
Study: Interferon Does Not Help Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
When combined with remdesivir, the multiple sclerosis drug did not produce clinical benefit.
SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Testing in a Nursing Home Outbreak
Rapid antigen testing was accurate in detecting SARS-CoV-2 antigen when compared to polymerase chain reaction.
The Steep Costs of Operating Under Crisis Standards of Care
New data shine a harsh light on what can happen when hospitals become so overcrowded that they have to resort to crisis standards of care, a level of care where practice standards are relaxed under the strain of scarce resources.
Reports Back the Efficacy of School Masking Policies
Researchers found more cases of COVID-19 in areas without mask mandates.
CDC Pledges Massive Investment in Infection Control and Prevention
Outlay to boost current battles against COVID-19 pandemic and prepare the healthcare industry to protect against future threats.
Report: U.S. Hospitals Could Sustain $54 Billion Net Income Loss for 2021
Higher expenses, fewer outpatient visits, and sicker patients have put many healthcare facilities in the red.
Real-Time Twitter Data Reveal Stress Patterns During Early Days of COVID-19 Pandemic
Investigators aggregated healthcare worker complaints to better understand triggers of PTSD and secondary traumatic stress.
COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA Injection (Comirnaty)
Comirnaty is the first COVID-19 vaccine to receive full FDA approval.