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  • Anti-Infective Update: No More Xigris®

    Xigris® (drotrecogin alfa [activated]), a recombinant form of human activated protein C, received FDA approval in November 2001 for the reduction of mortality in adult patients with severe sepsis with a high risk of death.
  • Unannounced CMS infection control inspections go nationwide in 2012

    An unannounced inspector from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) walks into the hospital and summons the infection preventionist. Looking down at a clipboard, he asks: "What were the last two hospital acquired infections that were serious preventable adverse events in the hospital, [meaning they caused] patient harm or death following development of the infection? What was done about each?"
  • New spotless spotlight shines on EVS workers

    Cleaning patient's rooms may not seem like the most important job in the hospital. But environmental service workers save lives in their own way by preventing the spread of infections. A new spotlight on their role may boost the resources, communication and training focused on this group of workers.
  • The Joint Commission Update for Infection Control: Joint Commission: New year will usher in new CAUTI prevention requirements

    The Joint Commission's new National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) on preventing indwelling catheter-associated urinary tract infections which emphasizes prompt removal of unnecessary devices and surveillance for CAUTIs is effective January 1, 2012 for hospitals.
  • iP Newbe: Part II: 'The Just One More Thing Strategy'

    [Editor's note: In this issue we continue with the second part of Patti Grant's IP Newbie column that was featured in our September issue. As you may recall, she described an all too common situation: How various professionals in healthcare are expected to participate in activities beyond their original area of expertise. This expectation does not seem so much a direct consequence of the struggling economy as a reflection of the attempt by various specialties to move from "silos" to a team approach to problem solving, Grant noted, observing that "Patient safety will most likely be less precarious in this multi-disciplinary improvement environment, but it can come with hefty growing pains." Of course, as an IP Newbie, you're often the one growing.]
  • The Joint Commission Update for Infection Control: VA programs cuts CLABSIs by >50%

    The Joint Commission targets central lineassociated bloodstream infections in its 2011 national patient safety goals, with NPSG.07.04.01 calling for hospitals to "implement evidence-based practices to prevent (CLABSIs)."
  • Infection preventionists, take a (brief) bow: Key HAIs falling, major challenges remain

    The needle is beginning to move. Four key healthcare associated infections (HAIs) are declining nationally as the result of unprecedented interest and action that includes everything from sweeping state and federal collaboratives to the outrage of individual patients.
  • Honesty with infected pt irks colleague

    Doing the right thing doesn't guarantee that everyone is going to be pleased, says Frederick S. Southwick, MD, professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases and quality projects manager for the senior vice president for health affairs at the University of Florida Shands Health in Gainesville.
  • Transferring more than patients

    Emerging multidrug resistant gram negative bacteria continue to spread across the health care continuum, becoming entrenched in non-acute and long term care settings and threatening vulnerable hospital patients with untreatable infections.
  • Getting pts in isolation, and keeping them there

    Key program elements of a patient isolation program at the University of Chicago Medical Center include the following: