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Trauma Reports



  • Drugs of Abuse in Trauma Patients Part II: Central Nervous System Depressants

    Drugs of abuse are commonly encountered in the trauma setting. Patient care may be affected by acute intoxication and chronic use of these substances. Central nervous system depressants can result in coma and respiratory depression in severe toxicity. The authors discuss common presentations, potential complications, and management of central nervous system depressants in the context of a trauma patient.
  • Stimulant-Based Drugs of Abuse in the Trauma Patient

    Substance abuse is a major healthcare issue with effects on all aspects of patient care, including trauma. A large percentage of trauma patients have a positive drug screen, and acute and chronic abuse have impacts both on the acute and long-term management of these patients. This report is the first of a two-part series and focuses on stimulants and substances with sympathomimetic properties, with particular attention to the impact on the trauma patient.

  • Blunt Abdominal Trauma

    Blunt abdominal trauma is commonly encountered in any acute care center. Prompt recognition, assessment, diagnostic evaluation, and disposition are critical aspects that must be a part of every clinician’s expertise.

  • Pediatric Drowning

    Pediatric drowning events are associated with consequences varying from transient pulmonary symptoms to devastating neurologic disability. All acute care providers need to be prepared to diagnose and effectively manage a child with this type of injury.

  • An Anatomical Review of Trauma to the Mouth and Throat

    Trauma to the mouth and throat is very common. Fortunately, the majority of the injuries are minor, but early and timely recognition of critical, potentially devastating injuries is essential. The authors provide a thorough review highlighting critical injuries and their management.

  • Pediatric Sedation: A Comprehensive Review

    Painful procedures are common in the acute care setting, and failing to mange a child’s anxiety and pain may have long-term consequences. Being familiar with a diversity of non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic alternatives is critical.

  • Advances in Pediatric Neck Trauma: What’s New in Assessment and Management?

    Although rare, pediatric neck trauma may have devastating consequences. The author provides current information on recognizing and managing pediatric neck trauma.

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  • Airway Management in Older Adult Trauma Patients

    Older adult trauma patients present unique challenges for the emergency care provider. Airway anatomic and physiologic changes associated with age may pose difficulties in the setting of trauma and may affect the overall care of the patient. Understanding the geriatric variations and developing alternative strategies is critical in the acute care setting.

  • Trauma in Pregnancy: A Comprehensive Overview

    The authors provide a concise, comprehensive overview of the unique anatomic and physiologic features of pregnancy, as well as modifications and considerations important for the management of the pregnant trauma patient.