Use the right tool to measure childrens' pain
Risk Management Update
Maxillofacial Trauma: Critical Aspects of Management
Obesity in Trauma Care
MONOGRAPH: The authors review the implications of obesity for acute care physicians who manage trauma.
Kawasaki Disease
Kawasaki disease, first described by Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki in 1967, is a self-limited systemic inflammatory vasculitis characterized by fever and a variety of mucocutaneous manifestations. Surpassing rheumatic heart disease, it is now the leading cause of acquired cardiac disease in children. -
Family Presence During Pediatric Resuscitations and Invasive Procedures
ACEP, AAP, and several other prominent pediatric and critical care organizations have endorsed the practice of offering parents the choice about being present during invasive procedures and resuscitations. The majority of the literature supports providing the parents the choice to be able to remain with their children during procedures, including resuscitative efforts. There have also been psychological benefits with family members who remained present during resuscitations by lowering their anxiety and depression scores, having fewer disturbing memories, and lowering degrees of intrusive imagery and post-traumatic avoidance behavior. -
Getting the ED Ready for ICD-10
The official countdown for ICD-10 implementation is well underway. -
New findings under-score value of palliative care consultations
A new study suggests that introducing palliative care consultations while patients are still in the ED, rather than waiting until after patients have been admitted, can significantly reduce inpatient length of stay. -
Latest ACEP national, state-level report cards cite ample room for improvement
In its latest round of report cards on the emergency care environment, the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) gave the nation an overall ranking of D+, a slight decline from the rankings unveiled in 2009. -
Community paramedics fill gaps, take load off EDs
In a continuing effort to ease demand on busy EDs, some communities are coming up with new ways to leverage paramedics.