The Joint Commission (TJC)
The Joint Commission’s Antibiotic Stewardship Now in Effect
Infection preventionists should be aware that with the turn of the new year, The Joint Commission’s antibiotic stewardship standard is now in effect.
Reduce Readmissions with Better Data Analysis
Readmissions can never be low enough, so hospitals are constantly looking for better ways to reduce them. Some are finding that success depends on collecting good data, because you can’t reduce readmissions if you don’t know what’s bringing people back to your door.
Best Practices, Investments Needed to Communicate Effectively with LEP Patients
There is evidence that a growing number of hospitals are beginning to realize that the kind of investments needed to accommodate limited English proficiency patients may pale in comparison to the tab for maintaining the status quo.
Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center’s Insulin Adjustment Protocol
Nurses at Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center of Spokane, WA, shared their insulin adjustment protocol for RN case managers with Case Management Advisor.
Diabetes Insulin Protocol is Most Useful with Technology
A telehealth case management program’s use of a diabetes insulin adjustment protocol works well with technology to keep data fresh, and a commitment to assessing and adjusting as needed, according to protocol administrators.
Care Management Can Drive Capitated Care Success
Case managers’ roles are evolving through focus on capitated models that focus on keeping patients out of hospitals and emergency rooms.
Health system screens all patients for suicide risk
In what appears to be a first for a health system, Parkland Health & Hospital System in Dallas recently implemented suicide screenings for all patients.
Hospital safety scores show some improvements
The Hospital Safety Scores released recently by The Leapfrog Group show key shifts among many hospitals on the letter grades rating them on errors, injuries, accidents, and infections.
Readmissions are focus of TJC resources
The Joint Commission has developed two new resources to help healthcare providers in their efforts to reduce patient readmissions and improve the discharge process.
TJC praises top hospitals in annual report
Hospitals continue to make progress on quality and safety, according to key measures of The Joint Commission’s 2015 annual report on quality and safety.