Procedural Sedation: General Principles and Specific Pharmacotherapeutic Strategies — Part I
Medical Conditions that Mimic Psychiatric Disease: A Systematic Approach for Evaluation of Patients Who Present with Psychiatric Symptomatology
Effectiveness of OTC Cough Medications Doubtful, at Best
What Insect Repellent Should Your Patients Be Using?
Pharmacology Watch: High-Dose Rofecoxib Confirmed Prothrombotic, Study Shows
Debate over the cardiovascular effects of COX-2 inhibitors has raged for more than a year since a special communication was published in JAMA last August suggesting an increase in cardiovascular events with rofecoxib (Vioxx). Now a large retrospect, the cohort study from the Tennessee Medicaid program seems to confirm the prothrombotic effects of rofecoxib, at least in high dose. -
You must brace for change in ED pain management
There are a number of significant advancements in pain management that will impact your clinical practice, including more frequent use of patient-controlled analgesia and increased use of conscious sedation. -
Pharmacology Watch: Forgot Your Ginkgo? Forget About It, Study Shows
Evaluation and Management of Foot Pain in the Emergency Department
The foot is divided into three anatomic regions: the forefoot, made up of the fourteen phalanges and the five metatarsals; the midfoot, made up of the navicular, the cuboid, and the three cuneiforms (the medial, the middle, and the lateral); and the hindfoot, made up the talus and calcaneus. -
Dangerous Rashes
Dermatologic complaints are common presentations in the emergency department and the emergency physician should have a working knowledge of the most common of these complaints. -
Trauma Reports for January/February 2007