Inhaled Apomorphine as a Rescue Treatment in Parkinson's Disease
Inhaled apomorphine, at doses up to 0.8 mg, appears safe and well tolerated by patients with Parkinson's disease, but does not result in significant improvement in wearing "off" periods, at the tested doses. -
Prolonged Release Oxycodone-Naloxone for Treatment of Severe RLS
This 12-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial examined the combination of oxycodone and naloxone for treatment of severe restless legs syndrome in patients inadequately controlled by previous treatment. -
Tick-borne Illness: Evaluation and Management in the Emergency Department: Part II
Rocky Mountain spotted fever is most common in the southeastern United States despite its name. It presents with headache, fever, myalgias, and a vasculitic rash that may involve the palms and soles. -
Maxillofacial Trauma: Critical Aspects of Management
Levodopa-Carbidopa Intraintestinal Infusion: Benefits in Advanced Parkinson's Disease
In this 12-week, randomized, double-blind and double-dummy trial, intrajejunal infusion of levodopa-carbidopa gel decreased "off" time by almost 2 hours more than oral levodopa-carbidopa in individuals with Parkinson's disease suffering motor fluctuations. -
Thymectomy for Juvenile Myasthenia
Although never confirmed in a randomized clinical trial, thymectomy appears to be efficacious in children with antibody-positive myasthenia gravis. -
Stroke Alert: A Review of Current Clinical Stroke Literature
Can Measuring Iron in MS Provide Insight into Disease?
In a large histopathological study, the distribution of nonheme iron and the expression of iron-related proteins in multiple sclerosis (MS) brains were compared to controls. -
Demyelination and Deoxygenation?
Obesity in Trauma Care
MONOGRAPH: The authors review the implications of obesity for acute care physicians who manage trauma.