The past few years have seen a number of emerging household toxins, novel antidotes, and new prescription drugs on which to overdose. The following article reviews the latest updates in medical toxicology, with a focus on accidental exposures and drug overdoses as they pertain to the practicing emergency physician.
In this article, the authors continue their review of common male genital emergencies. Part I covered common scrotal emergencies, and in Part II, common penile emergencies are reviewed.
Treatment and Outcome after Acute Cervical Artery Occlusion with Stroke; Continuous Transcranial Doppler Insonation Can Determine Recanalization Following Acute Ischemic Stroke; Antithrombotic Therapy Appears to be Safe for Patients with Cerebral Cavernous Malformations
Zolpidem and risk of falls; AVR and anticoagulation; statins in cancer patients; and FDA actions.
There are specific injury mechanisms that should lead the practitioner to suspect the presence of intra-abdominal injury, such as a handlebar injury to the upper abdomen and seat belt signs from a motor vehicle accident.
Cholinergic system dysfunction, as measured by short latency afferent inhibition, might contribute to gait abnormality in early stages of Parkinsons disease.
Use of dexamethasone in community-acquired bacterial meningitis is associated with long-term survival in treated patients.
Video-oculography reveals spontaneous or gaze-evoked nystagmus in more than a quarter of patients with isolated superior cerebellar infarction.
A novel target for suppression of cortical spreading depression shows promise in rodent models and in patients with medically refractory migraine with aura.