A small percentage of patients taking statins may develop muscle symptoms (pain and weakness) but elevated CK is rare.
New treatment for TB; safety of dabigatran; quality of antidepressants; systolic hypertension treatment; and FDA actions.
CLIPPERS is a recently described steroid- responsive neurological syndrome manifested by subacute progressive cerebellar and brainstem inflammation with characteristic MRI appearance.
Penetrating and blunt cardiac trauma are serious causes of morbidity and mortality. Presentation for blunt cardiac trauma may be subtle and nonspecific, challenging the clinician to make a timely diagnosis.
Treating pain in the ED is relatively straightforward if the cause is obvious like a broken leg or acute myocardial infarction for which there is clear evidence for the diagnosis. Treating pain is somewhat more problematic when there is no diagnostic test. So it is with headaches, especially the severe migraine types.
So you implemented an EMR product that's supposed to give you everything you need to document your services to Medicare standards.
Few would take issue with the notion that there is vast potential for electronic medical records (EMRs) to improve emergency care and boost efficiency.
Despite recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, GA, and many other public health authorities that all health care workers receive flu shots each year, there continues to be considerable resistance among the health care workers themselves.
With hospitals open for business on a 24/7 basis, it can be difficult for physicians, nurses, and allied professionals to get adequate rest as well sufficient time between scheduled shifts.