Two new drugs for treatment of hepatitis C; NSAIDs and myocardial infarction risk; AIM-HIGH clinical trial stopped; and FDA actions.
Primary systemic amyloidosis is often complicated by painful, sensory, and autonomic neuropathy.
Anti-neuronal antibodies can be detected in Sydenham's chorea, but not in PANDAS or Tourette's syndrome.
The King-Devick test, if validated in future studies, has the potential of becoming a standard sideline method for identifying athletes who have sustained a brain injury.
Frontal lobe dysfunction may presdispose people to have psychogenic nonepileptic seizures; this dysfunction can be measured by analyzing a brief period of the awake EEG.
Chronic fatigue syndrome, as defined by clinical symptoms, may improve with a combination of behavior thrapy and graded exercise.
Neurologists at the Mayo Clinic reviewed the morbidity and mortality of patients who underwent treatment for unruptured brain aneurysms,
Calcium supplements and MI; birth control pills and VTE; ACE inhibitors and breast cancer risk; spending on pharmaceuticals; and FDA actions.
A controlled surgical trial of glutamic acid decarboxylase gene therapy, targeting the subthalamic nucleus in advanced Parkinsons's disease, demonstrated statistically significant improvement in motor symptoms off medication in those receiving gene therapy compared with controls.