Gerstmann Syndrome is associated with lesions of the parietal cortex and subcortical white matter in the region of the angular gyrus. It should be considered one of the "disconnection" syndromes.
Detection of Bereitschaftspotential (BP) via EEG-EMG back averaging is helpful in differentiating psychogenic myoclonus from organic myoclonus. But, technical limitations of this technique and its availability have limited its utilization in clinical practice.
Acute-onset CIDP is difficult to diagnose and distinguish from GBS. It should be suspected when there are prominent sensory signs at onset of the illness.
MRI analysis of a subset of infants from the Total Body Hypothermia for Neonatal Encephalopathy (TOBY) trial showed that total body hypothermia decreases brain tissue injury in infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).
Stroke is one of the topics most requested by Neurology Alert readers. With this issue, we begin a new feature that gives you a concise review of the most recent literature on stroke.
Statin and niacin increase HDL-C, omeprazole reduces effectiveness of clopidogrel, darbe-poetin increases risk of stroke, statins decrease risk of gallstone disease, FDA Actions.
Immunomodulatory therapy reduces the rate of conversion to generalized myasthenia gravis in seniors with pure ocular myasthenia.
Neuropathy occurs with a high frequency in patients with end-stage liver disease, but rarely causes disability.
Fixed dose of IVIg may not be effective in all patients with GBS.