Epilepsy and Cardiovascular Events
This large prospective cohort study found that older adults with a lifetime history of epilepsy were more likely to experience cardiovascular events (CVEs), and that enzyme-inducing antiseizure medications (EIASMs) may account for a significant portion of this risk. The findings suggest a potential causal link between epilepsy treated with EIASMs and CVE, highlighting the need for careful medication selection in epilepsy management.
What Is the Best First-Line Treatment for Young Women with Generalized Epilepsy?
Valproate is a highly efficacious drug for treating idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) but is not an option for many young women because of known teratogenic risks. This retrospective, multicenter study examined women with IGE who were treated initially with either levetiracetam or lamotrigine monotherapy, demonstrated superior efficacy of levetiracetam, although exclusively in women with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.
Stratifying Seizure Risk with a Rapid EEG
In a retrospective, large, multicenter trial, rapid response electroencephalogram (EEG) was found to be non-inferior to conventional EEG when incorporated into the 2HELPS2B score to guide how long patients should stay on EEG.
Are New-Onset Seizures Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines?
In this meta-analysis, there was no statistically significant difference in the risk of new-onset seizure incidence between vaccinated individuals and placebo recipients in the 28-day post-injection period. Similarly, in the post-injection entire blinded phase (median follow-up 148, 121, and 43 days in three trials), no significant difference was observed between the vaccine and placebo recipients regarding the incidence of new developing seizures.
Seizures in Adolescents: Motor or Nonmotor?
The rate at which motor vs. nonmotor seizures are recognized in adolescents is unknown. This retrospective analysis demonstrates a high rate of misrecognition of nonmotor seizures among adolescents presenting to an emergency department and frequent misrecognition of any nonmotor seizures in those presenting with a first-time motor seizure.
Diagnosing, Differentiating, and Managing Status Epilepticus
Pediatric seizures are a common acute care visit. Recognizing seizures, including the more subtle presentations, is critical for instituting appropriate, timely treatment to improve patient care. An awareness of a stepwise approach to seizure management will assist providers and optimize outcomes.
Epilepsy: The Hidden Side Effect of Bariatric Surgery
The benefits of weight loss procedures are numerous, but a recently published paper reveals a long-term side effect clinicians and patients should heed.
Even Moderate COVID-19 Cases Can Cause Serious Neurological Problems
Strokes, seizures, and movement disorders just a few complications observed.
Room for Improvement in Frontline Care of Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures
Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) can be frightening and debilitating. It is not uncommon for patients suffering from PNES to present to the ED for help. However, arriving at an accurate diagnosis in these cases can be tricky. Many patients with PNES are misdiagnosed, leading to frustration, morbidity, and (in many cases) harm related to inappropriate treatment.
Mozart Therapy for Epilepsy
A randomized, controlled, crossover trial in adult patients with drug-resistant epilepsy compared listening to a Mozart piano sonata daily to an active control. It showed reduction in seizures during the Mozart treatment compared to both baseline and the control treatment.