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Same-Day Surgery



  • Same-Day Surgery Manager: Want to make patients, staff, and surgeons happy?

    Do you really want to know how to make people happy at your facility? I mean, do you really want to know? I will step up and be honest; sometimes I don't know! Sometimes I really don't care and want someone to make me happy.
  • Final report issued on specialty hospitals

    In a final report from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on specialty hospitals, the agency said it will fine these facilities $10,000 per day if they fail to report their financial structure to the federal government. It also will require specialty hospitals to disclose their financial relationships with physicians to patients and to treat all emergency patients regardless of their ability to pay.
  • Do you hear me now? Do you understand me?

    Fact sheets on the procedure are produced and distributed through the surgeon's office, brochures about your outpatient surgery program are in the packet the patient receives when surgery is scheduled, a nurse talks to the patient in a pre-admission telephone call, and a comprehensive instruction sheet is given to the patient upon discharge.
  • Patients happy with liposuction procedure

    A high level of patient satisfaction and a wide range in the number of body parts upon which surgeons performed liposuction were two of the results that stood out in the recently released Liposuction 2004-2005 Report by the Institute for Quality Improvement (IQI), part of the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care.
  • Don't be one of the horror stories — Learn proper use of flash sterilization

    With all of these problems, should you flash sterilize at all? "They should do it when they have no other choice," says Ramona Conner, RN, MSN, CNOR, perioperative nursing specialist at the Center for Nursing Practice at the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN). "It should not be routine."
  • Educating staff is critical piece

    Staff need a thorough understanding of the principles of decontamination and sterilization to perform flash sterilization properly, says Ramona Conner, RN, MSN, CNOR, perioperative nursing specialist at the Center for Nursing Practice at the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN).
  • New Patient Safety Goals added for next year

    Medication lists for patients, development of a process for patients to express concern, and identification of patients at risk for suicide are the main changes and additions to requirements of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' 2007 National Patient Safety Goals for ambulatory and hospital-based outpatient surgery programs.
  • New JCAHO standard requires flu vaccine

    A new infection control standard that will require hospitals to offer influenza vaccinations to staff members, volunteers, and independent licensed practitioners who have close patient contact will take effect Jan.1, 2007, for organizations accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. The new requirement does not apply to ambulatory facilities.
  • Hospital, docs responsible in impairment case

    In a first-of-its-kind court case, a jury held that a Louisiana hospital and two physicians intentionally misrepresented a former anesthesiologist's qualifications to a hospital in Washington state where he later was said to have botched a tubal ligation that left a 31-year-old woman with severe brain damage.
  • Blue Cross sued over payment policy

    The California Hospital Association has sued Blue Cross of California to stop a new payment policy that decreases reimbursement for endoscopic procedures that are performed in hospital outpatient departments and boosts payment when the procedures are performed in physician offices and freestanding surgery centers.