Surgery center managers should determine how the new reimbursement system, scheduled to take effect in 2008, will affect their current case mix, suggests Caryl A. Serbin, RN, BSN, LHRM, president and founder of Surgery Consultants of America and Serbin Surgery Center Billing, both in Fort Myers, FL.
In the Medicare Payment Advisory Commissions (MedPACs) March 2006 report, the commission recommends a 2007 update for hospitals of market basket minus half of the commissions expectation for production growth for outpatient and inpatient services.
Question: We need to expand our freestanding center by one more operating room. We have a storage room that is about 300 square feet that we are using for storage. Can we use this?
Cosmetic surgery patients use herbal and supplemental medicines at a higher rate than the general public, but physicians are not always aware of the use or of the effect of the supplement on perioperative care, according to a recent study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Thinking outside the box enabled the manager and medical director of the Elmira (NY) ASC to not only cut the cost of their procedure for patients, but also to make the patients recovery more comfortable and quicker.
Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine have shown that hypnosis can reduce preoperative anxiety for adults undergoing ambulatory surgery.
Our facility is managed by an outside management company. We pay them 9% of net collected revenue, plus they have 15% of the equity in the center. This seems high. Is it?
A patient goes in to a hospital for preoperative testing and ends up with more than $8,000 charged to fake accounts in his name at stores across his state.
Between 50% and 80% of the 609 patients in a pain study conducted by the e-Pain Research Group in Montreal, had misconceptions about the pain they could expect after surgery and about the proper way to use medications to control pain.
In ambulatory surgery survey results recently released by the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) with the American Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers (AAASC), total operating cost per case varied from $343.49 for single specialty gastroenterology centers to $1,430.88 for orthopedic surgery centers.