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Same-Day Surgery



  • Share with competition? It may be advantageous

    While outpatient surgery providers often are fierce competitors, some providers are finding multiple advantages in sharing equipment, supplies, and even names of potential employees with each other. Here are some of the strategies that have paid off for same-day surgery providers.
  • SDS Accreditation Update: Collaboration promotes patient safety as a team effort

    With the focus on patient safety in the general media, it would be natural for a provider to promote its own patient safety statistics and efforts to set itself apart from competitors in the marketplace. That is not the case in Madison, WI, where hospitals and medical groups work together to address patient safety issues.
  • FTC/DOJ: Competition is good for health care

    A recent federal report offers what some sources say is the most significant development in years in the ongoing battle over certificate of need (CON) and in what some same-day surgery providers consider to be an unlevel playing field in health care. The report contends state CON laws are an anticompetitive barrier to entering the health care marketplace.
  • Same-Day Surgery Manager

    How to keep your surgery program alive and well. It always seems as if there are obstacles that get in our way when we try to do our job. Below are some interesting roadblocks that your peers are facing. You are not alone out there!
  • Pain management ASC aids convenience, income

    Setting up an ambulatory surgery center is a complicated process in the best of circumstances, but when your same-day surgery center is a single-specialty center that handles pain management procedures, there are challenges not faced by other same-day surgery managers, says experts interviewed by Same-Day Surgery.
  • SDS Accreditation Update: Opening soon? Do you need an early survey?

    The construction is complete; you have your occupancy certificate; and youre ready to start taking patients. Unfortunately, you have no payer contracts and no license, and you cant obtain any until youre accredited. What are your options?
  • Save $15,000 with these cost-efficiency ideas

    In this first part of a two-part series on cost savings in ambulatory surgery, we discuss how to save money in administrative support, benefits, salaries, and services. In next months issue, well discuss telecommunications and occupancy costs
  • Tentatively OK’d: Hand gel dispensers in hallways

    The Quincy, MA-based National Fire Protection Association has approved a tentative interim amendment to the 2000 and 2003 Life Safety Code to allow health care facilities to install alcohol-based hand sanitizer dispensers in corridors and other public areas.
  • Should ASCs be cited for non-list procedures?

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently issued a memo directing Medicare certification surveyors to confirm that ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) are not performing non-ASC list procedures on Medicare beneficiaries, but we think CMS is totally incorrect, says Kathy Bryant, executive vice president of the Federated Ambulatory Surgery Association (FASA) in Alexandria, VA. Bryant updated ASCs on Medicare issues at the recent annual FASA meeting.
  • Joint statement addresses propofol administration

    The American Society of Anesthesiologists and the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists have developed a joint statement regarding propofol administration that says when propofol is used for sedation/anesthesia, it should be administered only by persons who are trained in the administration of general anesthesia and who are not simultaneously involved in surgical or diagnostic procedures.