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Same-Day Surgery



  • Magnet status aids recruitment, retention

    While most same-day surgery programs are struggling to recruit and retain nurses, managers at some facilities are watching nurses jump at positions, even when the specific positions werent their first choice. Whats their secret? Magnet status.
  • Code of conduct attracts and keeps nurses

    As same-day surgery managers struggle to recruit top quality nurses, retention of current staff is more important than ever. One way to keep nurses in your same-day surgery program is to make sure the work environment is one in which they feel appreciated, respected, and valued.
  • SDS Accreditation Update: Anesthesia monitoring requirements clarified

    Requirements for credentialing and privileging, responsibility for patient care, anesthesia monitoring, and availability to resuscitate have undergone major changes in the Wilmette, IL-based Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Cares standards for 2003.
  • SDS Accreditation Update: On-line tool makes self-assessment easy to access

    Continual survey readiness, no last-minute crush of work to prepare for a site survey, and a penalty-free period to correct deficiencies that you identify are a few of the benefits cited by participants who underwent a self-assessment during the pilot project of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations new approach to accreditation.
  • Nurse loses license, must pay $99,000 fine

    The nurse in Oklahoma City who admitted to reusing syringes and needles, which may have infected dozens of patients with hepatitis C, has had his nursing license revoked for five years and was given a $99,000 fine. The decision was the harshest allowable under Oklahoma state law.
  • Bronchoscopes suspected after infection outbreak

    Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh has determined that the cause of an outbreak of pulmonary infections in 12 patients may be contaminated bronchoscopes that werent properly sanitized. Of the 12 patients, one patient died.
  • Same-Day Surgery Manager: Ensure your program succeeds in tough times

    There was a kinder time in the world. Nations were relatively at peace, and the future held nothing but blue skies and harmony. While our own industry is as stable as any, changes in reimbursement, shifting of physician loyalties, and profit compression have changed the way we operate our facilities. Or they should.
  • Surgery centers, hospitals could lose millions under OIG recommendations

    If implemented, recent recommendations from the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) would result in millions of dollars in payment reductions for hospital outpatient departments (HOPDs) and ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs). OIGs report recommends that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) set uniform rates for outpatient services provided in ASCs and HOPDs.
  • Survey targets open but unused devices

    The American Hospital Association (AHA) has conducted a survey of open but unused single-use devices (SUDs) and has concluded that theres no need for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to regulate the handling of such devices.
  • HIPAA Q & A

    Question: How do I assess my readiness for the privacy requirements?