Same-Day Surgery
Multidisciplinary Approach Helps With Hand-Off Communication Improvement
It is less stressful for staff to make system and process changes if they are part of the solution and are not feeling as though changes are dictated from management without their input.
Anesthesia Input Crucial to Quality Improvement
Anesthesiologists significantly affect several important measurements in a surgery center’s quality improvement program, including dizziness, falls, and burns.
Proposed OPPS ASC Rule Could Mean New Procedures for Surgery Centers
Professional organizations express mixture of opinions on upcoming changes.
Nurses Play Vital Role in Evolving Surgery Center Culture
A few examples of how nurses and their organizations can shift to patient-centered operations.
Malignant Hyperthermia: Causes, Alternative Diagnoses, and Treatment Techniques
A closer examination of what happens during malignant hyperthermia.
Precautions in Surgery Centers Can Save Patients With Malignant Hyperthermia
Malignant hyperthermia is a rare and sometimes deadly disease that is difficult to diagnose and treat unless surgery centers have undergone proper training and prepared the right way.
AAAHC Leaders Explain Inner Workings of 1095 Learn to Drive Program
A new learning management system for ambulatory healthcare organizations provides easier and immediate access to tools, resources, workshops, and online classes.
ASCs Can Earn Certification for Total Joints and Spine Surgeries
Certification is for surgery center, but also considers facility competency and surgeons’ proficiency.
Staff and Surgeon Recruiting
Recruiting staff at surgical facilities, both personnel and surgeons, is not much of a problem for some hospitals and ASCs, but it can be a daunting hassle for most.
Investigators Analyze Medicare Readmission Rates
A study of postsurgery outcomes revealed that readmissions decreased among a Medicare population in the 2008 to 2016 period, but declines were not as much as expected.