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Same-Day Surgery



  • Healthcare reform moves forward, but where do you stand?

    Brace for millions of more patients. With the recent Supreme Court ruling that cleared a path for most provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) to proceed, you might see a measurable increase in surgery patients as early as next year and continuing through the end of the decade, predicts the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN).
  • CMS issues pay proposal, but rates could be less

    [Editor's note: Same-Day Surgery tweeted about the 2013 Medicare proposed rates on July 9 @SameDaySurgery and sent an ebulletin on the same date. If you didn't receive our ebulletin, we don't have your email address. Contact customer service at (800) 688-2421 or [email protected].]
  • Facility cuts falls 88% and med errors 30%

    Butler County Health Care Center (BCHCC) in David City, NE, is small it has 25 beds serving a rural community of 2,500 but the administrators think big. Using a program that enhances teamwork, the hospital has reduced patient falls by 88% and medication errors that reach the patient by 30%.
  • Same-Day Surgery Manager: The big question: To bill, or not to bill?

    If you are the director or employee of a hospital-based surgery facility, don't think this topic doesn't apply to you. Read on.
  • Patient info on Facebook traced to temp staff

    [Editor's note: This is the second part of a two-part series on issues surrounding social media and ambulatory surgery. In this issue, we discuss one facility's nightmare when a temp employee posted patient information on Facebook. We discuss legal issues and employee training. In last month's issue, we gave you some horror stories and told you how to avoid them. We also told you how to be proactive about your online presence, as well as how to develop a social media policy.]
  • Social media helps 42% decide on surgery

    Survey results released by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) in Alexandria, VA, showed more patients sought out social networking sites for advice and information on facial plastic surgery before choosing a procedure in 2011 than in 2010. In comparison, the percentage of patients obtaining information from friends declined between 2010 and 2011.
  • Same-Day Surgery Manager: How do you keep the porch light on?

    Way back when, most people had a porch light on their house. It was what we all did. Last night when walking my foo-foo dogs, I noticed that most people don't have their porch light on. I looked behind me at my house, and it was ablaze in petro-sucking electricity. I could hear the electric meter spinning from down the block.
  • Are staff pressured on sterilization? Intervene, or risk device compromise

    Peer pressure. The problem isn't limited to middle and high schools across America. In fact, the problem has infiltrated outpatient surgery programs across the country as surgeons and other staff members pressure the central sterile supply (CSS) technicians to sterilize instruments quickly.
  • Why so many outbreaks? Myths about safe injections

    The Institute of Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) is focusing on unsafe injection practices, and it points out that according to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these practices have caused more than 50 outbreaks of bloodborne diseases in the past 10 years.1 More than 600 patients were infected, according to the CDC.
  • TJC gives wake-up call on fatigue risks

    Healthcare facilities have been put on alert to recognize fatigue among workers as a risk to patient safety. But for now, facilities won't face any regulatory consequences for failing to address it.