Pulmonary/Critical Care
Persistent Asthma Patients Show More Plaque Buildup, Inflammation
Pulmonary ailment could speed carotid artery damage, create more inflammatory biomarkers.
Scientists Are Worried About Air Quality and Dementia Risk
Traffic-related air pollution raises red flags for neurological health.
‘Informed Assent’ for CPR Is Reasonable Approach for Some Hospitalized Patients
This concept was developed to satisfy the right of physicians to initiate DNR orders in futile situations and their duty to communicate to patients and lawful surrogates. Through informed assent, physicians state they will write a DNR order because it would be futile and harmful to the patient to attempt CPR in their current serious illness.
Limitation of Tidal Volume Is Cardioprotective Among Mechanically Ventilated Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
In this experimental study, rising tidal volume increased right ventricular afterload.
Appropriate Oxygenation Targets in the Treatment of Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure
The care of critically ill patients in the ICU remains challenging. Recent studies support current protocols for the delivery of oxygen to patients who require supplemental oxygen due to respiratory failure of varying etiologies. Broad oxygenation targets of SpO2 between 88% to 97% continue to be supported by recent trials.
Healthcare Industry Embraces Firearm Safety Law
Various groups thank Congress, White House for swift action on bipartisan legislation.
FDA Approves Generic Treatment for COPD, Asthma
Agency aims to stimulate competition, expand access to cheaper meds.
Air Filters and Asthma
Children with asthma showed improved small airway mechanics following indoor filtration of particulates (2.5 µm and greater) using high-efficiency particulate air filtration devices. -
Lung Health Program Revamped to Help Manage COVID-19 Pandemic
A Maryland hospital adapted an existing program encouraging lung health to respond to the sudden demands of COVID-19. The program helped reduce COVID-19 readmission rates by two-thirds.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Update
Over the past decade, this definition of COPD has changed dramatically, as has the characterization and treatment of individuals with COPD. Multiple new therapies alter the course of this disease, reduce exacerbations, improve quality of life, and increase survival; previous nihilistic approaches to the management of COPD have been replaced by directed and effective pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic therapies. This update will review current approaches to the diagnosis and management of COPD and present the most recent evidence for the classification of COPD phenotypes and the implications of these categories for COPD treatment and prognosis.