September 2000; Volume 3; 108
Twelve weeks of aerobic exercise in previously sedentary women did not improve menopausal symptoms, but did modestly improve perceived sleep quality.
One dose of Rhodiola rosea minimally, but statistically, improves endurance exercise.
Spinal manipulative therapy provides benefits in one aspect of pain sensitivity for people suffering from low back pain.
Probiotic therapies appear to be safe and may be helpful for various health problems.
The strongest evidence is for use as an adjunctive supportive therapy forgastrointestinal-related disorders.
Although direct colonic probiotic delivery therapies appear promising, further research is needed.
A meta-analysis and a clinical trial, both published recently, found that the evidence of cardiovascular benefit with increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is weak at best. Large study samples make these results compelling, but caution is warranted in interpreting and applying them in practice.
Marcolina ST. Valerian root for insomnia. Altern Med Alert 2002;5:77-80.
Bufford H, Assefi N. Acupuncture for the treatment of dysmenorrhea. Altern Med Alert 2002;5:83-86.
La Puma J. Hepatotoxicity linked to weight-loss supplement. Altern Med Alert 2002;5:86-87
La Puma J. Alternative therapies in dermatology. Altern Med Alert 2002;5:88.