Cancer: Resources and Screening Guidelines. Altern Med Alert 2005;8(6 suppl):S1-S2.
O'Mathuna DP. Shark cartilage to treat cancer. Altern Med Alert 2005;8(6):61-64.
Singleton T, et al. An overview of osteopathic medicine: Principles and practice. Altern Med Alert 2005;8(6):64-71.
Greenfield RH. Probiotic infant formula and infectious disease prevention. Altern Med Alert 2005;8(6):71-72.
Meditation and exercise interventions were shown to reduce the frequency, duration, and symptom severity of acute respiratory illness in adults aged 50 and older compared to a waitlist control group.
The incidence of obesity continues to rise. According to the World Health Organization, 1.5 billion people are overweight, with 300 million obese.1 About two-thirds of the U.S. population is overweight, with one-third being obese.2
A meta-analysis of 20 human randomized, controlled clinical trials of at least 1 year in duration found that there was no relationship between diet or supplement-derived omega-3 supplementation and cardiovascular disease outcomes.
Alpha-tocopherol is the primary form of vitamin E used in dietary supplements. The results from this study suggest that supplementation with alpha-tocopherol by postmenopausal women may reduce serum gamma-tocopherol levels and negatively impact bone formation.
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed non-dermatologic cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in U.S. men.1 Its etiology and predisposing factors are inadequately characterized, but probably include some combination of older age, north American and northern European residence (perhaps a diet-related issue), African American race, and genetic similarities within families.