Parasitic Infections
Bioterrorism Watch: Building a bridge over the abyss - Will bioterrorism help bring disjointed health system together?
Bioterrorism Watch: Bioterrorism forensics - The burden of proof
Patient Safety Alert Supplement
Conference replays offer educational opportunity
Bioterrorism Watch: CDC gets plenty of advice for action
Bioterrorism Watch: Was anthrax mailer a bioweapons researcher?
Updates: Fungal Prophylaxis in Preemies; nongonococcal urethritis; hepatitis E
Updates: Smallpox vaccine trial; D4T phenotypic resistance; VAQTA withdrawal
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care Supplement
CDC, NIH lab lapses with deadly agents lead to calls to halt research
A recent series of stunning lapses and oversights in federal research labs working with deadly pathogens and potential bioterror agents has heightened calls for a moratorium on such research until biosafety and security can be assured.