In 2003, the american academy of orthopedic surgeons (AAOS) and the American Dental Association jointly published recommendations regarding antibiotic prophylaxis for dental patients who had had total joint replacements.
In this issue: Statin and niacin increase HDL-C, omeprazole reduces effectiveness of clopidogrel, darbe-poetin increases risk of stroke, statins decrease risk of gallstone disease, FDA Actions.
Watching my sniffling boy-friend boil six garlic cloves into tea the other day, he explained his Sicilian grandmother would do the same for them as kids when they had colds. Apparently, the Chief Medical Officer for the Moldovan Army agrees.
The American College of Surgeons (ACS) most recent recommendations on infection prevention and safety in the operating room are summarized as follows:
You might receive a citation from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) if you fail to assess respiratory hazards related to H1N1 pandemic influenza A, don't use various methods to reduce employee exposure or fail to consider respirators other than N95s when there is a shortage.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration's compliance directive to protect health care workers from H1N1 pandemic influenza A includes a series of questions inspectors may ask when on a health care site visit. Know the answers to these and you're OSHA ready in terms of H1N1:
Infection preventionists recently received some legal advice, and it wasn't quite as bleak as the old admonition to put everything you own under your spouse's name.
Though a growing sense of public apathy threatens to reduce H1N1 influenza A to the Rodney Dangerfield of pandemics, those who have experienced or witnessed a severe case of infection will not soon forget this erstwhile "swine flu."
Veteran surgeon Ramon Berguer, MD, routinely stitches up patients in suture seams as tight as a quarter-inch or less, with the needle tip drawing perilously close to his gloved opposite hand. Occasionally it hits with the force to cause a needlestick, but what results is not an injury but a memory.