a.l scheduling and registration functions now report to the access management team at Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare in Memphis, TN, as a result of consolidation of front door functions, says Jessica Murphy, CPAM, corporate director for patient access services. This has reduced fragmented reporting structures, she says.
If a registrar makes a mistake that results in a needless claims denial, and the following day notices an error that prevents a denial, which is more likely to get your attention?
The utilization of services by self-pay patients has increased by 6.9% over the last fiscal year at St. Joseph's Hospital and Candler Hospital, both located in Savannah, GA, says Susan M. Younggreen, director of patient financial services.
Since Pam Kast's office is part of the main admitting area in her hospital, she sees and hears her staff in action on a daily basis.
Before a patient access employee starts work at Bronson Methodist Hospital in Kalamazoo, MI, he or she takes a proficiency exam, says Patti Burchett, director of registration and central scheduling. "That is the first level of us being able to assess whether they 'get it' or not, before they even hit the door."
Holly Hiryak, MNSc, RN, CHAM, director of hospital admissions/access services at the University Hospital of Arkansas in Little Rock, says that while financial counseling is not a new role for her access staff members, the role has become considerably more complex.
Your patients probably expect that they'll be able to pay their hospital bills online, just as they do with all their other bills. "More and more, people are paying all their bills online," says Kathy Peterson, director of patient financial services at CVPH Medical Center in Plattsburgh, NY. "They don't have to write a check, don't have to get a stamp, and can wait till the final due date to pay. It is instantaneous."
Value-based purchasing has been a much-used term, and the evolution to such a system has been long held as a reality for the future.
In the first three articles of this series, Vicki Searcy, president, consulting services at Morrisey Associates Inc. in Chicago, introduced the four basic components of clinical privileging. She examined establishing criteria for privileges as well as accepting applications for privileges and applying criteria.
It's a proposed rule. So it's up for comment. And that's a good thing, because there are many in the field.