Outpatient Surgery
Med/mal claims show consistent factors
Claims involving routine medical procedures - scopes, injections, punctures, biopsies, insertion of tubes, or imaging - resulted in $215 million in incurred losses, according to an analysis of 1,497 cases. -
Patient participation in checklist is win-win
Publicly reporting data from surgery is targeted
The Unlucky 13: Early Warning Signs of Potential Violence at Work
Hospital finds it pays to fight fraud charges
George Washington University (GWU) Hospital in Washington, DC, prevailed in an 16-year-old lawsuit accusing the hospital of False Claims Act violations. -
Publicly reporting data from surgery is targeted
Informed consent can play part in violence
What's wrong with care transitions? Ask patients
The patients who come into hospitals are often very ill and not in the best state. But give them a chance to help improve care, and if they are able, they are almost always willing. -
Big and small, Baldrige winners say it's about the journey
It's doubtful that anyone goes into the Baldrige process looking for a site visit the first year. -
All the tools in the box and no one to use them
You join a collaborative because you want access to data and ideas. Together you might find something out that individually you could not. That's the theory. And it works.