Outpatient Surgery
Offer incentives to top collectors
After implementing incentives in 2013, OSF Healthcare collected more than $30,000 in copays, up from $2900 in 2012. -
Have staff members learn from top collectors
Price estimate is biggest challenge
After price estimation technology was implemented at Ohio Health, collections increased from $12.8 million in FY 2013 to more than $19 million in FY 2013. -
Collections to top $8 million in 2013
Difficulty getting pricing info is challenge -
Collections are now at $540,000 monthly
1% of net revenue: Tools needed to do it
To excel at upfront collections, patient access need real-time insurance verification, patient risk scoring, and payment estimation tools, according to revenue cycle experts. -
Teach staff to fix collection mistakes
Patient access leaders should explain to employees why collection is important to the hospital and instruct staff on how to correct mistakes. -
Use software to prepare for surge
Hold staff accountable for customer service
Customer service is included in the patient access job description at Baptist Health Richmond (KY). -
States to see surge in spending, enrollmen