Maybe in today's jaded world, $75,000 doesn't seem like a lot of money to win. But along with that little financial windfall won by University Hospital Case Medical Center in Cleveland in July, came a prestigious title: Winner of the American Hospital Association McKesson Quest for Quality award.
When you talk to officials at The Joint Commission (TJC) about the annual sentinel event reports released in July, they are quick to tell you that the data represent just a portion of sentinel events in the country, because reporting them to the organization is voluntary.
What do you do when something you desperately want to fix just won't be fixed?
No one would argue that ventilators are lifesaving tools for many critically ill patients. But like so much in healthcare, too much of a good thing can be bad.
By 2020, all accredited hospitals are supposed to achieve a 90% success rate for flu vaccinations among staff.
Most organizations that are looking for what went wrong after an error are familiar with the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) method.
It was a summer of crime in Washington, DC, and area police agencies collaborated to implement a crime prevention program called All Hands On Deck. Washington Hospital Center was having a problem with falls. Would a program based on the idea of putting everyone to work to prevent falls help keep patients safe?
In its sixth year as a Lean organization, MemorialCare in Southern California refers to Lean as its management system, not a quality improvement method, says Diana Hendel, Pharm.D., CEO of Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, Miller Children's Hospital and Community Hospital both also of Long Beach.