Patient access departments are moving the financial counseling process to the point of scheduling and helping providers to address patients concerns about the cost of care.
Hospitals bad debt is expected to increase due to such factors as higher out-of-pocket costs and failure of patients to pay plan premiums. Patient access can minimize bad debt by doing the following:
Previously, all financial counseling at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle was done on the hospitals main campus. It wasnt offered at the organizations seven outpatient medical clinics.
Are uninsured patients billed at a higher rate than insured patients?
Due to changes resulting from the Affordable Care Act, patient access departments need revamped processes to prevent the following: claims denials, increased wait times, and patient dissatisfaction.
Patient access leaders at The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston created a visual tool in 2013 to help staff to determine the correct payer.
In this matter, the patient was an elderly 73-year-old woman who had suffered a fall at her home in September 2005.
Patients released from one hospital and readmitted to another within 30 days are more likely to die within the next month than those readmitted to the same hospital, according to a study from Canada.
Carefully constructed contract language might help shift some liability to the staffing agency when contracted employees divert drugs or otherwise harm patients, says R. Stephen Trosty, JD, MHA, CPHRM, president of Risk Management Consulting in Haslett, MI, and a past president of the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management in Chicago.
Methodist Hospital v. German is a Texas malpractice case that questioned whether nurses should be expected to draw medical conclusions from their observations, in addition to passing them on to physicians.