More than two-thirds of children from low-income Latino families dont receive adequate pain control when they go home after surgery, according to a study presented at the Anesthesiology 2014 annual meeting.
An ophthalmology practice in Alabama, located next to a surgery center, had a patient who showed up sick with Ebola-type symptoms. The patient shared that her son, who lived with her, had returned from Nigeria in the past few days.
In the Calendar Year 2015 Medicare final payment rule, hospital outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) payments are estimated to increase by 2.2%, and the adjusted update factor for ambulatory surgery centers is 1.4%.
The phenomenon of confirmation bias can threaten patient safety if not addressed with policies and procedures. Cognitive bias was a central issue in a recent malpractice case.
Caroline Carcerano underwent spinal surgery at Tufts Medical Center in Boston in hopes that the procedure would resolve pain from a back injury. During the surgical procedure, her neurosurgeon requested a special dye to test the location of tubing threaded into her spine.
A class action lawsuit was filed in October alleging that Kimberly-Clark Corp. has committed fraud in the marketing and selling of certain protective medical gowns.
Most occupational health nurses learn about respiratory protection on the job. They may manage the program, but still have little time to train their hospitals employees about the difference between a mask and a respirator.
Five years after the H1N1 flu pandemic, hospitals and public health authorities are dealing with a difficult aftermath: Stockpiles of N95 respirators are expiring. Rebuilding pandemic stockpiles could cost many millions of dollars and still might not provide enough protective devices.
Most errors involving Medicare as a Secondary Payer Questionnaire (MSPQ) can be attributed to two things, according to Kevin Willis, director of Medicare Services in the Harrison, OH, office of Claim Services, a document retrieval company. Willis is a former Medicare Secondary Payer auditor.
Sending the correct information to the insurance companies to show the medical need for services has become quite a task for patient access, says Aaron Robison, CHAA, a patient financial advocate at University of Utah Health Care in Salt Lake City.