Full May issue in PDF
Pharmacology Watch: Atherosclerosis Reversed With Lipid-Lowering Drugs
Positive Alendronate Data in Osteoporosis; NSAIDs For Myocardial Infarction; Four-Hour Window for CAP Patients; FDA Actions. -
Special Feature: Non-Invasive Approach to Prenatal Diagnosis
In this special feature, up-to-date information will be provided regarding the risks and benefits of various diagnostic methods available today for patients of advanced maternal age (AMA). -
Restaging Surgery for Women with Borderline Ovarian Tumors: Results of a French Mulitcenter Study
Women who initially were diagnosed with Stage IA disease and who had serous borderline tumors or underwent cystectomy appeared to derive the most benefit from restaging surgery. Nonetheless, the indications for restaging surgery remain controversial, as no difference in recurrence rate was observed between women who underwent restaging and those who did not. -
STD Quarterly:Teen STD information is available on the web
Check the following web wites to get teen-friendly information to hare with your adolescent patients... -
Break down teen barriers with direct provision
Direct distribution of birth control may be an effective strategy for school-based clinics wishing to remove barriers to contraceptive access, according to research findings from Minnesota public health officials. -
Bulletin: FDA delays decision on Plan B
The decision to move the levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive pill Plan B (Barr Laboratories, Pomona, NY) to over-the-counter status has been delayed by the Food and Drug Administration. -
Overcome the stigma of herpes with positive messages for patients
Strides are being made when it comes to herpes. New treatments are emerging, and an advanced clinical trial of a potential herpes vaccine now is under way. -
Full February 2004 Issue in PDF
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care Supplement