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  • Clinical Briefs

    Computed Tomographic Colonography (Virtual Colonoscopy); Ejaculation Frequency and Subsequent Risk of Prostate Cancer; Cost-Effectiveness of Different Combinations of Bupropion SR dose and Behavioral Treatment for Smoking Cessation
  • ECG Review: Class IV Symptoms Post-MI

    The ECG in the Figure was obtained from a 60-year-old man with a history of two prior myocardial infarctions. How would you interpret his most recent ECG in view of his clinical picture? What types of interventions might be most likely to prolong his survival?
  • Full May 15, 2004, Issue in PDF

  • Bulletin: FDA issues approvable status for single-rod contraceptive implant

    American women are one step closer to having a contraceptive implant option with the recent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issuance of approvable status for Implanon, the single-rod contraceptive implant from Organon (West Orange, NJ).
  • STDs: Research aims at ‘hidden epidemic’

    You suspect that your 17-year-old patient may have a chlamydia infection. Thanks to a nucleic acid amplification screen on a urine specimen, you are able to detect the sexually transmitted disease (STD) and report the results the next day.
  • 25 years, 25 articles: Studies you should know

    Research has been a cornerstone of contraceptive technology; the following noninclusive list includes 25 articles of note from the past 25 years. Several selections are offered by Deborah Kowal, MA, adjunct assistant professor in the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University in Atlanta, co-author of Contraceptive Technology, and the first editor for Contraceptive Technology Update.
  • Guest Column

    When the first combined oral contraceptive entered the marketplace in 1960, women began taking hormonally active pills for 21 days, followed by seven days of placebo pills, or no pills at all. This 21/7 regimen resulted in regular withdrawal bleeding every month. Such regular monthly cycles are a modern phenomenon.
  • Full January 2005 issue in PDF

  • Look to the future for bold changes in reproductive health

    Look ahead five to 10 years, and you may see a male contraceptive on the market, as well as a microbicide for women that offers contraception as well as female-controlled protection against HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), say reproductive health experts.
  • Obstetrical Prognosis after Placental Abruption

    In a recent study from Japan, Toivonen and colleagues set out to determine how much more susceptible women experiencing placental abruption were to having a recurrence of this problem in a subsequent pregnancy. They scanned a database which encompassed 14,326 deliveries during a one-year period at a busy university hospital.