In an observational study, enabled by a powerful drug-dispensing record linkage system, statin use among a large number of patients treated with cardiovascular drugs was associated with a 20% reduction in incipient cancer diagnosis over a 7-year period.
Folate Therapy and In-Stent Restenosis and Coronary Stenting; Quinapril Reduces Markers of Oxidative Stress in the Metabolic Syndrome; Donepezil in Patients with Alzheimers
The FDA has approved a low dose estradiol transdermal patch for prevention of osteoporosis in menopausal women.
Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC), GERD, and Barretts esophagus (BE) are all on the rise, and there is no doubt that BE is a major risk factor for EAC. However, many unanswered questions surround screening GERD patients for BE and cancer.
Physical symptoms are quite common among patients with depression. These symptoms tend to improve during the first month of therapy with serotonin-antagonists. Most symptoms will plateau in months to follow.
FDA has approved a long-acting implant for the palliative treatment of prostate cancer.
Studies on HCV infection resolution show that PBMC HCV-RNA may remain, despite clearance of the virus from plasma.
Exenatide (Extendin-4) significantly lowered HbA1C and caused weight loss in type 2 diabetes patients.
Night sweats, day sweats, and hot flashes occur frequently in the elderly and are more closely associated with common ailments than serious illnesses.