The principal purpose of this clinical study was to evaluate the efficacy of gemcitabine relative to a clinical standard therapy, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) in women with ovarian cancer relapsing within a year of primary treatments.
Sentinel node localization and sampling has become a standard practice in the evaluation of regional nodal status for patients with breast cancer and cutaneous melanoma.
One hundred and twenty subjects with symptoms of idiopathic detrusor overactivity (OAB) were recruited to evaluate the efficacy of reflexology compared to nonspecific foot massage.
In a previous Clinical Alert, the risk of uterine rupture in patients attempting vaginal birth after cesarean sections (VBACs) was addressed when it appeared that there was a distinct downturn in the amount of VBACs being done in the USA.
The Women's Health Initiative investigators reported health outcomes at 3 years after the estrogen-progestin arm of the clinical trial was canceled.
In this issue: Does erythropoietin worsen cancer death rates? Most hypothyroid patients can be replaced with levothyroxine alone without additional T3. Does aggressive control in type 2 diabetes save lives?
Most cases of thrombocytopenia seen are expected. Patients are known to have hematological disease or are receiving chemotherapy. At times, however, the physician is confronted with an unexpected laboratory finding in an asymptomatic patient, or with a patient who is bleeding. The challenge, as usual, is to determine the need for acute treatment and the appropriate disposition.