The Women's Health Initiative (WHI) is a randomized controlled trial which is evaluating cancer and disease risk among healthy menopausal women aged 50-79 years.
By Alison Edelman, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Assistant Director of the Family Planning Fellowship Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, is Associate Editor for OB/GYN Clinical Alert.
The primary purpose of this phase III study was to determine if maintenance of hemoglobin values above 12 g/dL by use of R-HUEPO during chemoradiotherapy (weekly cisplatin) for advanced cervix cancer was associated with improved outcomes (progression-free and overall survival and local control rates) relative to maintenance of hemoglobin values above 10 g/dL by way of non-R-HUEPO methods.
It is unclear how many practitioners around the world use routine episiotomy today as a way to avoid third and fourth degree lacerations. There certainly was a period of time when episiotomy was a routine practice in nulliparas.
Over the last five years, there has been an increased emphasis on screening for aneuploidy, in part due to the ACOG endorsement of the concept of offering nuchal translucency (NT) and biochemical screening to all pregnant patients, and not just those of advanced maternal age (AMA).
In This Issue: FDA drug approval to change? Urinary incontinence in women; how metabolism of certain drugs can be predicted by genetic analysis; bowel preps may compromise renal function especially in the elderly according to a new study; FDA Actions.
Chronic wounds represent a significant portion of the complaints seen by physicians, especially in the primary care setting. Visits for wound care account for just over 2% of all visits to office-based physicians in the United States.