Berg and colleagues from 21 centers in the U.S. report the results of a prospective, multicenter, randomized trial designed to validate the performance of screening ultrasound in conjunction with mammography in women with dense breasts and at high risk for breast cancer.
The two main modifiers of pathogenesis are age and sex. Reversible and irreversible modifications to cellular machinery through genetic and epigenetic mechanisms begin with embryogenesis. For instance, certain aspects of in vitro culture conditions "imprint" genetically normal embryos by altering methylation patterns and gene expression.
In This Issue: Baxter Bioscience has developed a whole-virus, two dose vaccine against avian flu; warning label now on antipsychotics regarding an increased risk of mortality in elderly patients treated for dementia-related psychosis; vitamin D for men with heart disease on horizon? A new oral anticoagulant may soon be available for prevention of thrombotic complications of hip or knee surgery; FDA Actions
Doxorubicin-based chemotherapy has remained a standard for the treatment of soft tissue sarcoma for decades. Recently, combination gemcitabine and docetaxel demonstrated significant clinical activity in a single-institution mixed population study of women with uterine leiomyosarcoma.
Complaints of fatigue were not associated with changes in blood pressure or heart rate but were significantly associated with decreased cardiac index and stroke index even after controlling for demographic variables and depressive symptoms.
The FDA has approved the combination of dutasteride and tamsulosin for the treatment of symptomatic enlarged prostate.
Allergic rhinitis is often treated successfully with antihistamines and local corticosteroids, but because of inadequate symptom control, patient preference, or both, sometimes allergen desensitization becomes preferable.