If your practice includes care of those ages 45 and older, be prepared to discuss risk of sexually transmitted disease (STD) infection.
Guidelines for prediabetes from The American College of Endocrinology; statins for the prevention of dementia? Possible help for women suffering from sexual side effects while on antidepressants; government incentives for electronic prescribing; FDA Actions.
For many years, chiropractic medicine often has been viewed with skepticism and even ridicule by organized medicine. Yet, we have all had patients who praise their chiropractor for taking care of symptoms for which we have only pills and physical therapy to offer.
Over a 5-year period, 16% of elderly people developed mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and had double the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) than normals; however, 30% with MCI reverted to normal.
Women who do not take supplemental calcium frequently need more education, and state they would be positively influenced by their physician's recommendations.
Regular ingestion of caffeine, either as coffee, tea or chocolate was followed in 2 large cohorts of men and women for more than two decades. When caffeine was consumed regularly, there was no increase in the overall mortality. Indeed, a modest benefit of caffeine consumption was noted on overall mortality and in particular death related to cardiovascular disorders. This effect was more pronounced in women.
Women who had sexual dysfunction that was believed to be a side effect of antidepressants were more likely to report improved sexual function if they were assigned to the sildenafil, rather than to the placebo arm of a placebo-controlled trial.