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  • Shot makes its mark in contraceptive options

    When it comes to choosing an effective contraceptive, many women look to the contraceptive injection depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA, Depo-Provera Pfizer; New York City, Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Injection, Teva Pharmaceuticals USA; North Wales, PA), say respondents to the 2008 Contraceptive Technology Update Contraception Survey.
  • Full January 2009 Issue in PDF

  • Soft-Tissue Rheumatism: Diagnosis and Management

    Soft-tissue rheumatism often is a challenging disorder for the primary care physicians. The patient's symptoms often are vague, and the physical examination and laboratory testing often do not give comforting confirmatory findings. This issue reviews common conditions that afflict many of our patients and that, although often not serious, cause significant distress and morbidity. With the proper history and attention to presenting features, effective and professionally rewarding treatments are available.
  • Pharmacology Watch

    5-α reductase inhibitors and hip fracture in men; the effects of drug-reimbursement policy on outcomes; new guidelines for type 2 diabetes; beta-blocker-associated brady-cardia is linked to CVD events; FDA Updates.
  • Clinical Briefs in Primary Care Supplement

  • Full December 1, 2008 Issue in PDF

  • An Update on Tiotropium for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

    Among almost 6000 patients with COPD who were using other classes of respiratory therapies, the addition of tiotropium, compared with placebo, was associated with improvements in lung function, quality of life, and exacerbations during a 4-year period, but did not result in benefits in the rate of decline in FEV1.
  • Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent Recombinant Vaccine (Gardasil®)

    The FDA has extended the approval for the Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent Recombinant Vaccine to include the prevention of vaginal and vulvar cancer. The vaccine, originally approved in 2006, is already approved for the prevention of cervical cancer and genital warts.
  • Clinical Briefs By Louis Kuritzky, MD

    Opinions on the consequences of marijuana use are wide-ranging: Some experts express grave concern that it may induce COPD, increase risk of lung cancer, promote the emergence of schizophrenia, and lead to "heavy drug" use; others essentially dismiss these (potential) adversities as inadequately established to permit accusations that marijuana has any commonplace serious adverse effects.
  • Pharmacology Watch

    Ongoing safety review of tiotropium; raloxifene reduces the risk of endometrial cancer; one-day treatment with famciclovir may be as effective as 3-day treatment with valacyclovir; new Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians regarding pharmacologic treatment for low bone density and osteoporosis; FDA Actions.