For 50 years, women have had a reliable form of birth control in the form of the combined oral contraceptive pill. What has emerged in the same time period for men?
Heads up for reproductive health and family planning clinics in California and Nevada: The Female Health Co.'s free FC2 Female Condom Experience Program is headed your way. Deadline for applications from clinics in the two states is Aug. 31, 2010, says Rebecca Kizaric, training manager for the Chicago-based company.
Add current data to your clinical knowledge base: the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has issued updated recommendations for routine and catch-up vaccination of females with the bivalent or quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccines (HPV2, HPV4), as well as published its policy statement and summarized background data on use of the HPV4 vaccine in males.
New reports about proton pump inhibitors and the effects of gastric suppression, pioglitazone vs vitamin E for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, metformin and vitamin B12 deficiency, and FDA Actions.
Early antibiotic administration was associated with reduced likelihood of death, mechanical ventilation, and readmission (but increased risk of Clostridium difficile infection) among patients hospitalized for acute exacerbations of COPD.
An analysis of more than 1 million persons in Alberta, Canada, showed that laboratory reporting of estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) beginning in 2004 resulted in more referrals to nephrologists, but no apparent improvement in outcomes.
Patients with dementia and their physicians face the difficult decision to cease driving with little solid evidence to guide them.