Helical CT scan is a definitive way to rule out significant pulmonary embolism.
This review article sums up the symptoms and treatment of chronic constipation.
Attend the first International Conference on Women and Infectious Diseases, scheduled for Feb. 27-28, 2004, in Atlanta.
Just as you have integrated new methods such as the transdermal contraceptive and the contraceptive vaginal ring into your practice, be prepared to see more options added to the contraceptive mix.
What is the accepted practice for checking blood pressure following initial starts on oral contraceptives?
A young woman recently died after undergoing a medical abortion. Patients are anxious and asking questions. How do you respond?
Emergency contraception (EC), once considered the nations best-kept secret, may be a secret no longer when a major pharmaceutical company takes over a popular dedicated EC product.
While medical and reproductive rights groups have petitioned the Food and Drug Administration to make emergency contraception (EC) available over the counter (OTC), many clinicians are less than enthusiastic when it comes to such availability for oral contraceptives (OCs). Why?
More women are taking a second look at intrauterine devices (IUDs), and not all of them are considering such use for contraception.