How to address deaths from ovarian cancer
A woman in her late 40s dies less than a year after ovarian cancer is diagnosed. She has three daughters ranging from 15 to 25 years of age. How can ovarian cancer be prevented in these three young women? How can ovarian cancer be prevented during the lifetime of ANY woman, whether or not she has a family history of ovarian cancer?
Bariatric Surgery: Does It Affect Pregnancy Outcomes?
In this large, retrospective cohort study, women with a history of bariatric surgery were at a small increased risk of both spontaneous and medically indicated preterm birth and small for gestational age births. -
Pelvic Radiation in Endometrial Cancer:Are We Cutting Off Our Nose to Spite Our Face?
Long-term complications, particularly secondary cancers, were significantly more common in patients receiving whole pelvic radiation (vs brachytherapy alone) for early-stage endometrial cancer. -
Emergency Contraception: A Copper IUD May Be the Best Choice
Women presenting for emergency contraception were offered a copper IUD or Plan B. Those who chose an IUD had a lower cumulative risk of unintended pregnancy at 1 year. -
Surgical Excision of Endometriomas and Effect on Ovarian Reserve
In a prospective cohort study, women with endometriomas (> 2 cm) were found to have a decrease in ovarian reserve parameters compared to healthy controls 1 and 6 months after the endometriomas were removed. -
Does Dietary Nicotine Protect Against Parkinson's Disease?
This population-based, case-control study suggests that dietary intake of peppers and related species may be associated with decreased risk of Parkinson's disease. -
Internal Medicine Alert - Full January 29, 2014 Issue in PDF
Alcohol in Pregnancy
Data collected from a large study involving four countries show no effect of alcohol exposure in varying degrees on the rate of preterm birth, low birth weight, average birth weight, and preeclampsia. -
Sometimes Coma Is Not a Coma
Novel protocols with functional MRI may allow clinicians to determine if some unresponsive patients are able to hear, understand, and respond to questions. -
What Is Our Current Understanding of Epilepsy Prognosis?
This paper summarizes and focuses on the National General Practice Study of Epilepsy with emphasis on epilepsy prognosis after initial diagnosis.