Full June 2006 Issue in PDF
Breast Cancer Risk in the WHI Estrogen-Only Arm
The updated breast cancer results in the canceled estrogen-only arm of the Womens Health Initiative (WHI) are based on 237 cases of invasive breast cancer and 55 cases of cancer in situ, diagnosed by the February 29, 2004, date of study cancellation. -
Does Time Affect Rupture in Appendicitis?
A retrospective chart review in 219 of 731 randomly selected cases of appendicitis was conducted at 2 municipal/tertiary care hospitals. -
Association Between Low Day 16 hCG and Miscarriage After Proven Cardiac Activity
A group from Australia recently published a study that provides some insight about miscarriage after 8 weeks of gestation. They analyzed data from 1050 patients having in vitro fertilization. Serum hCG levels were measured at 16 days post-conception (approximately for menstrual weeks). -
Pharmacology Watch: Reversal of Atherosclerosis Via Intensive Statin Therapy
Alternative Therapy for Depression?; FDA Actions -
Full May 2006 Issue in PDF
Pulmonary Embolism after Major Abdominal Surgery in Gynecologic Oncology
Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) is a major complication following gynecologic abdominal surgery that may be fatal in up to 1 in 4 affected patients. While several risk factors for VTE have been identified, carcinoma remains among the most significant. -
Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
There have been 2 attempts to produce a consensus definition of the polycystic ovary syndrome by expert conferences. -
Pretreatment CA125 and Risk of Relapse in Advance Ovarian Cancer
It has been recently identified that NADIR values in serial CA125 values during adjuvant primary post-operative chemotherapy are prognostic even within the normal range (less than 35). -
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care supplement