Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia; Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee; Refractory Asthma and TNFConnection?; FDA Actions
The Womens Health Initiative (WHI) conducted a randomized trial of Calcium and Vitamin D supplementation.1 The 36,282 postmenopausal women were part of the WHI clinical trials involving postmenopausal hormone therapy or dietary modification. The average follow-up was 7 years; 37% of the women were age 50 to 59, 45.5% were 60 to 59, and 17.5% were 70 to 79.
In November the authors of the now famous FASTER trial, which was initially focused on the use of nuchal translucency (NT) in the first trimester, published one of many spin-off reports.
Do you remember Enovid, the first oral contraceptive (OC)? Introduced in 1960 by GD Searle in Skokie, IL, the pill was formulated for 21 days of active hormones, followed by seven hormone-free days. During the pill-free interval, the superficial portion of the endometrium was sloughed, producing a withdrawal bleeding episode that simulated menstruation.
Current package labeling for the contraceptive injection depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) (Depo-Provera, Pfizer, New York City) calls for the method to be initiated within the first five days of a womans menstrual period.
The next patient at your STD (sexually transmitted diseases) clinic is a young man with a mucoid/purulent anal discharge and a lymph node enlargement in the groin area.
While no microbicide has yet moved from the research pipeline to the pharmacy shelf, progress is going forward on several fronts to develop female-controlled physical and chemical barrier methods to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
While the decision to make emergency contraception (EC) available over the counter remains in a holding pattern at the Food and Drug Administration, advocates are moving on the state level to allow pharmacists to dispense EC without a physicians prescription under certain conditions.