The therapeutic role of lymphadenectomy in patients with endometrial cancer is controversial and challenging to study given the relative infrequency of metastatic disease and the generally good prognosis of newly diagnosed patients. Nevertheless, prior work in limited sized cohorts has suggested that the number of nodes resected may be prognostic and informative in planning subsequent adjuvant treatment.
This study was made possible by the mayo Clinic Cohort Study of Oophorectomy and Aging, the main aim of which is to detect new cases of age-related diseases, especially Parkinson's disease and dementia. This report focused on the mortality outcomes.
In the vast majority of hospitals magnesium sulfate has been the drug of choice to stop labor in patients presenting with preterm contractions.
Clarkson and colleagues report the results of a lower-dose estrogen trial in a monkey model of coronary atherosclerosis. The animals were fed an atherogenic diet for 10 months, calculated to induce atherosclerosis comparable to that observed in early postmenopausal women.
Bonny and colleagues report the effect of depot medroxyprogesterone on weight changes in obese and nonobese adolescent girls. This was a prospective study of 450 adolescents, aged 12 to 18 years.
Antiaging Supplements Proven Ineffective; The Three Most Common Culprits of ADE; New Guidelines for Lyme Disease Prevention; FDA Actions
Psoriasis sufferers may face an increased risk of having a heart attack, a new study suggests. The risk appears to be most pronounced among younger patients with more severe forms of the disease.
Both overweight and normal-weight persons underestimated calorie content of large meals but not smaller meals. Since overweight persons ate larger size meals, they consumed more unnecessary calories.