Results of survey indicate unmet need for family planning at community health centers
Results of a recent survey at U.S. community health centers indicate an unmet need for more comprehensive family planning services at such facilities, according to a report issued by the Geiger Gibson /RCHN Community Health Foundation Research Collaborative and the Jacobs Institute of Women’s Health, all in Washington, DC.
Oral contraceptives reduce the risk of developing endometrial cancer
Taking oral contraceptives, even for just a few years, offers significant long-term protection against endometrial cancer, confirms a detailed re-analysis of all available evidence by British researchers. Data indicate that the longer a woman takes oral contraceptives, the greater her reduction in risk for the disease, the analysis states.
FDA approves first treatment for sexual desire disorder
The FDA has approved Addyi (flibanserin, Sprout Pharmaceuticals, Raleigh, NC) to treat acquired, generalized hypoactive sexual desire disorder in premenopausal women. The drug is the first such treatment to be approved by the FDA for this condition.
Morcellation: Has it Improved Outcomes or Put Women at Risk?
Widespread concern over malignant tumor dissemination with morcellation threatens to undermine advances in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery that have benefited women. Before providers abandon this technique, they should put the risks and benefits in perspective.
Can Cerebroplacental Ratio Predict Neonatal Mortality?
Recent articles show the cerebroplacental ratio to be a useful predictor of immediate and later neonatal morbidity, particularly, in late-onset intrauterine growth restriction.
Quality of Information on Pelvic Organ Prolapse on the Internet
After review of more than 400 websites, most web-based information available to women regarding pelvic organ prolapse treatment is incomplete. The best-quality information was found on government-sponsored websites.
Flibanserin: A Billion Dollar Market?
On the third attempt, the FDA approved the treatment for generalized hypoactive sexual desire disorder in premenopausal women.
Urinary tract infections, STIs misdiagnosed in EDs
Distinguishing between these syndromes can be challenging because of overlapping symptomatology (painful or difficult urination, frequency, urgency) and the fact that both are associated with abnormalities on urinalysis, researchers note.
Experts advise: Check screening schedule for chlamydia at your organization
Remember when an annual Pap smear for a young woman also provided a chance for routine chlamydia screening? Results from a University of Michigan study of five clinics indicate that when Pap smear schedules were revised in 2009, the number of annual chlamydia screenings dropped in women ages 16-21.
What impact does intimate partner violence have on reproductive decision-making?
In the current study, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, investigators used the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, a population-based surveillance system, to analyze data on more than 193,000 U.S. women with live births between 2004 and 2008.