Obstetrics/Gynecology Topics
Providing Ethical Neonatal Cardiac Care
The complexities associated with neonates with cardiac disease require a collaborative and cohesive strategy. Shared decision-making, research ethics, and outcomes reporting are important considerations.
Gaps Remain in Alcohol Use Screening Among Pregnant Patients
Despite the known benefits, it appears some clinicians still do not counsel women to avoid alcohol during pregnancy.
Ethical Concerns if Researchers Examine Opioid Use During Pregnancy
Researchers who are examining opioid use in pregnant patients face significant ethical complexities when designing study protocols. A group of ethicists examined these issues and concluded an embedded approach to address ethical implications of these studies is needed.
Healthcare on 2022 Midterm Ballots
Reproductive rights, healthcare business, integrative medicine top of mind for voters in several states.
Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence Among Adult U.S. Women Has Increased
The updated prevalence of urinary incontinence using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data is 60% in community-dwelling women, which is an increase from prior estimates.
CDC: Most Pregnancy-Related Deaths Are Preventable
Recent data indicate mental health conditions, excessive bleeding are the leading causes of pregnancy-related deaths in the United States.
Ethicists Asked to Weigh in on Medical Necessity of Abortion
If ethicists are asked to weigh in, they should suggest a second medical opinion (if time permits) and encourage the institution to clarify any legal questions, ideally before there is an emergency. Institutions also should assure clinicians they will have support from the ethics committee in the event of overzealous prosecution.
Emergency Providers Scramble to Prepare for Treating More Pregnancy-Related Complications
Now that the Supreme Court has shifted abortion lawmaking decisions to the states, matters for frontline providers have become more complicated in multiple ways. In addition to tracking patchwork laws, providers must be prepared to manage pregnancy- or abortion-related complications that might have been better managed at clinics that provide appropriate services.
Researchers Explore Connections Between Epilepsy and Postpartum Anxiety, Depression
Clinicians should monitor for signs of depression among patients with epilepsy who are pregnant or patients who are thinking about conceiving.
Too Much Phthalate Exposure Could Induce Preterm Labor
Common chemical could lead to births occurring three weeks or more early.