Obstetrics/Gynecology Topics
What Effect Do Antibiotics Have on Hormonal Contraception?
Data do not support drug interactions between hormonal contraceptives and non-rifamycin antibiotics.
Study Analyzes Optimum Time for HIV Testing
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently recommends that all citizens be tested for HIV infection at least once between the ages of 13 and 64 years. Results of a recent study indicate that age 25 would be better than younger ages for a single HIV screening test among those young adults without symptoms.
Clinical Challenge: How to Increase HPV Vaccine Uptake
Current estimates suggest that four out of 10 adolescent females and six out of 10 adolescent males are unvaccinated for human papillomavirus (HPV). Approximately 79 million Americans currently are infected with the virus, and about 14 million people become infected each year.
Seven Words the CDC Has Been Advised Not to Use in Budget Proposals
It has been reported that the 12,000 employees of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been told not to use seven words in budget proposals. -
Zika Remains on Research, Public Health Radar
Efforts on the public health and research fronts continue to focus on the Zika virus, declared by the World Health Organization in 2016 as a public health emergency of international concern.
Task Force Recommends Against Hormone Therapy for Chronic Conditions
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has issued a final recommendation statement and evidence summary upholding its earlier recommendation against use of hormone therapy for the primary prevention of chronic conditions in postmenopausal women.
Update: Few California Retailers Offer Pharmacist-prescribed Contraception
In 2016, a California law took effect, allowing pharmacists to prescribe birth control. Results of a new study indicate that few of the state’s pharmacies currently are offering the service.
National Data Indicate Drop in Teens Having Sex
New national data suggest that the proportion of high school students who ever had sexual intercourse has dropped, particularly among students in earlier grades and among black and Hispanic students.
Research Examines Weight and Contraceptive Choices: What Does It Mean for Your Practice?
Research indicates that obese women are more likely to rely on female sterilization than on other forms of contraception.
Confidentiality Remains Essential for Young People to Seek Care
Access to confidential care can affect decisions to seek care, willingness to disclose behaviors, and the likelihood of returning for necessary follow-up.