New national statistics show that about one in nine (11% or 5.8 million) women ages 15 to 44 had ever used emergency contraception (EC) in 2006-2010, up from 4.2% in 2002.1 Young adult women ages 20-24 were the most likely to have ever used EC about one in four (23%) indicated they had utilized the method.
While use of intrauterine devices (IUDs) represents a highly effective form of birth control, many women still are not getting proper information about it, results of a new survey indicate.1 Only one-fifth of the women surveyed knew that intrauterine devices were more effective in preventing pregnancy than oral contraception, while only 29% knew that IUDs are cheaper over time than pills.
Trichomoniasis, or trich, is the most common curable sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the United States, yet only one in five women are familiar with it, according to a new survey commissioned by the American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) in Research Triangle Park, NC.
Evidence-based updates in primary care medicine By Louis Kuritzky, MD
Supplement to Clinical Cardiology Alert, Clinical Oncology Alert, Critical Care Alert, Hospital Medicine Alert, Infectious Disease Alert, Neurology Alert, OB/GYN Clinical Alert, Primary Care Reports.
An 11-year prospective screening trial in 4051 menopausal women (age 50-74).
Infants of women initiating either a combined oral contraceptive, the levonorgestrel IUS, the etonogestrel implant, or a copper IUD at 42 days postpartum ingested similar volumes of breast milk and displayed similar growth.
In this retrospective, cohort study, a see-and-treat protocol resulted in only a 4.5% overtreatment rate.
A recent review of the literature evaluating methods to decrease preterm birth in twins has shown little or no benefit of bed rest, cerclage, or 17 alpha-hydroxy progesterone.