Obstetrics/Gynecology General
Many providers continue unnecessary pelvic exams
Do you use a pelvic exam to screen for sexually transmitted infections, check for ovarian and other gynecologic cancers, or determine whether women should receive hormonal contraceptives? If so, your practice is not supported by scientific evidence and is not recommended by any U.S. organization, according to newly published research. -
Sex education remains active battleground
The trend over the past several years toward more progressive federal and state sex education policymaking hit something of a wall in 2011. -
STI Quarterly: New approaches eyed to herpes simplex virus
New research points to the need for more potent approaches to containing the genital herpes simplex virus (HSV). -
STI Quarterly: New CDC online atlas offers current STI data
Do We Have a New Standard of Care for Advanced Ovarian Cancer?
Vascular endothelial growth factor (vegf) is a key factor in the normal and tumor microenvironment regulating angiogenesis. -
Pharmacology Watch: New, Shorter Treatment Regimen for Tuberculosis
In this issue: New treatment for TB; safety of dabigatran; quality of antidepressants; systolic hypertension treatment; and FDA actions. -
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care supplement
Do Combined Oral Contraceptives Worsen Breastfeeding Outcomes?
The authors performed a randomized, double-blind study to compare the effects of progestin-only and combined hormonal contraceptive pills on rates of breastfeeding continuation in postpartum women. -
Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Adverse Perinatal Outcomes
How often are we asked whether a patient who has had severe nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy has a greater chance of adverse outcome in her pregnancy? -
Is There an Increased Risk of HIV Transmission with Use of Hormonal Contraception?
Heffron et al conducted a secondary analysis of two longitudinal studies (2004-2010) performed in Africa.