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Obstetrics/Gynecology General



  • Extended OC use, Quick Start has arrived

    Responses to the 2013 Contraceptive Technology Update Contraception Survey indicate that many clinicians have moved to remove one hurdle to contraception by adopting the Quick Start method of method initiation.
  • Contraception focus: Combined hormones

    Results of the 2013 Contraceptive Technology Update Contraception Survey indicate that use of the NuvaRing contraceptive vaginal ring and the Evra contraceptive patch is consistent with 2012's figures.
  • Emergency Contraception

    We now have three options for emergency contraception the copper IUD, oral ulipristal acetate, and oral levonorgestrel. One of the most important considerations in using emergency contraception is the initiation of ongoing regular contraception. The special feature will discuss the opportunities and considerations for use of these three different methods of postcoital contraception.
  • First Trimester Anatomy

    A meta-analysis of 19 studies involving first trimester screening for fetal anomalies has shown that a majority of major structural abnormalities can be diagnosed between 11 and 14 weeks and that even cardiac abnormalities can be identified with ultrasound with reasonable efficiency.
  • Should You Advise Your Patients to Eat Peanuts During Pregnancy?

    Synopsis: In this study, women without allergies who consumed peanuts or tree nuts five times or more per month around the time of pregnancy compared to less than one time per month had reduced odds of having children with peanut or tree nut allergies.
  • Cancer-reducing Effect of OCPs in BRCA1/BRCA2 Carriers: Do They Work?

    The association between oral contraceptive use and ovarian or breast cancer in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers are qualitatively similar to associations reported in the general population. Oral contraceptive pill use is inversely associated with ovarian cancer risk. However, it is also associated with a modest, but not statistically significant, increased risk for breast cancer. The analysis was unable to provide conclusive recommendations as to their use as preventive measures given these and other unmeasured risks. However, oral contraceptive pills appear safe for contraception in this population.
  • Check Nortrel stock — Barr Labs issues recall

    If you have any patients who use 28-day packages of Nortrel 7/7/7 oral contraceptives (OCs), be sure your clinic has initiated its patient notification plan following the July 9, 2003, voluntary recall issued by the pills manufacturer, Barr Laboratories of Pomona, NY.
  • More women know about emergency contraception, but can they get it?

    The word is getting out about emergency contraception (EC). A just-released national survey reports that two-thirds of women ages 18-44 are aware that there is something a woman can do to prevent pregnancy in the few days following sexual intercourse.
  • Low-dose OCs not linked with stroke risk

    Findings from a new Australian study indicate that use of modern, low-dose oral contraceptives (OCs) containing 50 mcg estrogen or less do not appear to appreciably raise the risk of ischemic stroke in healthy women.
  • New reports spark more questions on HT risks

    Just-published papers in the Journal of the American Medical Association add to heightened concern regarding hormone therapy (HT).